
Showing posts from February, 2019

How I Stripe; Parking Lot Stencils

I manufacture parking lot stencils . Don't buy a "Picture Frame" style stencil. Every striper I know sprays the Handicap "Picture Frame" style border using the machine.  Here's how I stripe the Picture Frame Border around the Handicap Stencil. We all know that no stencil will match your stencil. So, we all hand paint / hand "roll" a Blue "Block" / "Square" over top the existing Handicap Stencil, to cover it. We then lay our Handicap stencil atop the ( dried ) Blue Block and spray whatever color is needed. Let's say Yellow. Thus the finished product is a Yellow Handicap Stencil atop the Blue Background. All is well. Next, rarely does a client want any "Picture Frame" border around the Blue Block Background. I don't think anyone's even asked me or told me either. But, sometimes it was like that and you need to "put it back" like that. Use the machine.  You may already have the ...

18 Best Startup Books ( to Read in 2019 )

This is a list of 18 Best Startup Books ( to Read in 2019 ) published by Take a look. Yes, mine is there but so are several others, well; (17) others. I say that to say this... There are a some great ideas here. I'm about to start reading " One Million Followers " That book has been in my Amazon Cart for a while. I saw it on this list. I'll buy it. Carmen, ( of UpJourney ), thank you. I hope this post helps. If you have any questions about Pavement Marking, let me know. Thanks again. Dan